ICYMI: Mullin Slams Kamala Harris, Congressional Democrats for Turning their Backs on Israel

Today, U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) joined U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) and 11 of their Senate GOP colleagues in a press conference to hold Vice President Kamala Harris and Congressional Democrats accountable for their refusal to stand with Israel and attend Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. In his remarks, Mullin expressed his outrage for the Biden administration’s absence today and emphasized the United States’ commitment to our ally Israel.

Sen. Mullin’s full remarks can be found here

On our allies standing with us in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks

“The question is, why are we here?…If this administration was doing their job and standing with our allies, we wouldn’t be having this press conference. So, why aren’t they? Was Israel not with us after 9/11? Did other countries come after us, and condemn us for attacking those that attacked us? For going and hunting the terrorist organizations that came after us? Did anyone condemn us for that? Yeah. Iran did, other terrorist states did. Terrorist organizations did. They cried foul.

Did our allies stand with us though? Yes. Did they fight beside us? Yes.

We should be outraged. The United States should be outraged. There should be no daylight between us. We got attacked the same as Israel got attacked. They killed 35 Americans, they still hold five American hostages.”

On there being no way to be neutral in this conflict

“Why the hell isn’t President Biden and [Vice] President Harris standing here with us? Why wouldn’t they give the Prime Minister all the support they have? Because if you’re not standing with the Prime Minister, there isn’t a choice to be neutral here. We don’t have that choice. If we are not standing with the Prime Minister, that means we are condemning their actions and emboldening Hamas, a terrorist organization.”

On who this fight is really against

“Bad things happen in wars. For those that have had the disprivilege of seeing it, hearing it, and unfortunately tasting it, we know bad things happen in war. Israel didn’t choose this fight. Hamas chose this for them. They are choosing to defend it and eliminate the threat.

The same as the United States did. There is no excuse for this administration to behave the way they are. Other than what? There’s an extreme base in the Democrat party and they’re wanting their votes? They want to appease them.

I can’t make sense of it. We have always said we stand with Israel. Why aren’t we still standing with them? I’m dumbfounded as much as anybody, and I’m aggravated more than most. Israel has a right to defend themselves, and I can assure you where the Republican Party is. We are standing right beside them and willing to fight with them.”

