Mullin Secures Key Grant Funding for Small Freight Rail in Eastern Oklahoma

Today, U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) announced that following his advocacy efforts, DeQueen and Eastern Railroad (DQE) has been selected to receive up to $11,830,000 million in grant funding through the Resilient Infrastructure & Safety Enhancement Program to strengthen and modernize small freight rail.

“As your Senator, I am deeply committed to helping our localities secure targeted grant funding to strengthen Oklahoma’s growing infrastructure needs,” said Senator Mullin. “Oklahoma communities know best how to use federal dollars, and I’m confident this grant will go a long way to fund track improvements, rehabilitate rural bridges, and modify select grade crossings across Southeast Oklahoma. I’m proud to have helped bring this grant application across the finish line to modernize small freight rail, meet existing and future demand, and enhance resiliency.”

Every year, the federal government makes federal grant funding available to individuals, nonprofit organizations, local governments, businesses, and other groups. Senator Mullin’s office is available to support eligible organizations in their applications for federal grant opportunities. Learn more by visiting Senator Mullin’s website HERE or by contacting Senator Mullin’s Tulsa office at 918-921-8520.
