Mullin Travels Northwest Oklahoma for Community Conversations with Constituents, Businesses, and Local Leadership

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) spent the day in Northwest Oklahoma with community leaders, constituents, and local elected officials. The senator made stops in Medford, Cherokee, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, and Fairview where he held ‘Community Conversations’ pertaining to his work in Washington and Oklahoma, and answered limitless questions on topics ranging from inflation and agriculture to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the border crisis.

“It was great to be on the road again yesterday with so many fired up constituents,” Sen. Mullin said. “At every stop my team and I are interacting and engaging with Oklahomans who are fed up with burdensome regulations, high taxes, and politicians telling them how to live their lives. Just like Wednesday, we’re sharing with them how we’re putting a stop to that.”

Senator Mullin started his day in Medford where he sat down with Mayor Gary Bowen, City Manager Dea Mandevill, Grant County Farm Service Agency Exective Director Dakotah Lane, and members of the community. He updated attendees on the Biden-Harris border crisis, talked through the ongoing budget negotiations, and shared his journey in politics. Before heading off to the next stop, he took questions involving his constituent services, securing elections, and how the 2024 race will impact the state.

Following Medford, the senator pulled off in Cherokee for a productive conversation about states having more say in federal spending, the Israel/Hamas war, his faith, and social security. He met with City Manager Chad Roach, Alfalfa County Commissioner Nate Ross, Mayor Kolby Arnold, Sen. Roland Pederson (SD-19), Rep. Carl Newton, OD (HD-58), and a large audience.

After his visit in Cherokee, Senator Mullin stopped at Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva to meet with Northwestern Oklahoma State University President Dr. Bo Hannaford, Mayor Kelly Parker, City Manager Stephen Ford, Oklahoma Sorghum Commission and National Sorghum Producers Board member Dr. Kent Martin, local business and community leaders, educators, and spoke to a large crowd which included university students. Emphasizing his seat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and his relationship with fiscal conservatives, the senator discussed the farm bill, appropriations, entitlements, and took questions pertaining to rights of the unborn, and the debt. He concluded the conversation with sharing advice for becoming politically active.

The senator wrapped up his day in Fairview where he met with City Manager Robert Laverty, Assistant City Manager George Eischen, Fairview Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Tree Kelly, Rep. Mike Dobrinski (HD-59), Pioneer Telephone Cooperative Inc. General Manager Blake Callaham and constituents from the surrounding area. While there, he gave his thoughts on runaway spending in DC, the threat of China, discussed his voting record, and took questions from the group that covered election integrity, the Farm Bill, and food supply. He made clear that he’ll continue to push legislative priorities for Oklahoma and that he’ll fight to get the Internal Revenue Service off the backs of constituents in the state.

Background: On Wednesday, Senator Mullin kicked off a ‘Community Conversations’ tour in Northwest and Southwest Oklahoma as part of his efforts to connect with constituents during the August state work period. The goal of these conversations are for local Chamber of Commerce and residents to hear from the senator, ask questions, and discuss local and national issues impacting their communities.

